Monday, May 21, 2012

HTML5 - When will all browsers have full support?

I'm guessing most developers have thought about this before: When will all the browsers fully support HTML5?

HTML5 is the latest version of HTML. It can play audio, video, validate forms, etc., but the frustrating thing is that even though all browsers now have some support of it, no browser has complete support for HTML5. And some browsers have support for a HTML5 element/attribute, while others don't.

In this article I will give you my predictions on when all browsers will support HTML5.

Google Chrome: 2014
Google Chrome has possibly the best support for HTML5 of all browsers. It has video and audio support, web storage support, decent support for new input and input attributes, good global attribute support, etc.

2014 sounds pretty reasonable for Chrome to gain full support for HTML5.

Opera: 2014
Opera is coming a long way in HTML5 support. It supports some elements that Chrome doesn't support as well as supports a lot of elements that Chrome supports. Yet Chrome still has the best support.

I can see Chrome and Opera coming out as the first two browsers to have full support of HTML5 in 2014.

Mozilla Firefox: 2015
Seems like a long time, doesn't it? Firefox still has yet to catch up with Google Chrome and Opera. It supports some stuff like audio, video, new attributes, etc., just like Chrome and Opera, but it doesn't have as good of a support as the two.

Firefox will have to wait.

Apple Safari: 2015
Safari reminds me a lot of Chrome, but it doesn't have as much support for HTML5 as Chrome does. I'd say that Safari is more of a Firefox.

Internet Explorer: 2015
Internet Explorer was the last browser to emerge with some HTML5 support. It so far has the worst HTML5 support out of any browser.

I don't even use it.

But let's face it: When all the other browsers are either really close to or completely supporting HTML5, Microsoft will probably feel jealous and left out and update their browser.


So there you have it. My predictions for when all browsers will have full support for HTML5.

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