Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Game about hacking?

So I have officially started my new game. It's about hacking (no, not real hacking). It's going to be the game with a goal that saves your progress.

A basic description of the game is: you create and own an operating system that you want to sell on the market. But you have one thing that you must do, and that is to conquer some other operating systems and reach the highest "level" of the game. Then your operating system is ready to sell on the market. I'm still thinking about some new features, but I wrote down some useful ideas on a notebook and paper.

Please note that the game is designed for Google Chrome. So far I have not tested it in other browsers yet but I will soon. If it works in other browsers, perfect then. It uses HTML5 DOM storage for saving data. It is also powered by JavaScript, as always.

So I'm sitting down at the computer coding my game right now. Thought I should stop by and tell you what I'm up to before going back to work.

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