Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What am I doing?

Remember when I announced Save the Cave, and that it didn't come out for a long time? That's because I kept thinking of ideas for it, and putting it off too.

And remember when I finally announced that Save the Cave was being worked on and that a couple of levels had been finished? And that it took me only a few days to make the whole thing?

I started working on Fights and Blood, my upcoming game, but I'm now going into planning mode where I don't code much and I just think for a while. I need to plan for this upcoming game because my coding skills are limited and I need to make sure that I know all of the coding required for the game. So I won't release Fights and Blood for a while now.

What am I doing at the current time, though? I'm thinking of working on TheMadScript sometime soon. Get version 3 or something like that out and make it a better language. I don't know. We'll see.

I've also thought a couple of times of making a game engine, but you know how much work that would be.

And then there's another thing. Something that I've thought of a couple of times in the past month. TheMadOS. I can't decide on that one either.

So what am I doing on the computer these days? Planning. Playing an HTML5 game called Private Joe every now and then. Playing Beat the Boot and Angry Birds less and less as time goes by. Writing music. Checking out to see if anybody's signed up for my newsletter (go ahead and sign up on my home page at

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